Ko-ken 2024-25

3400MZ 6-point Sockets 6-kant Steckschlüssel Douilles 6-pans RS3400MZ/8 8 Pieces Set/Rail 200mm (g) 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19 320 RS3400MZ/12 12 Pieces Set/Rail 300mm (g) 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 490 RS3400MZ/8 RS3400MZ/12 Socket Set on magnetic Rail Steckschlüsselsatz auf Magnetschiene Jeu de douilles sur rail à aimant 3400MZ (mm) D1 (mm) D2 (mm) H (mm) L (mm) (g) (pcs.) 5.5 8.5 17 3.5 19 16 10 6 9.1 17 3.5 19 17 10 7 10.3 17 3.5 19 17 10 8 11.5 17 4.5 20 17 10 10 14 17 4.5 20 18 10 11 15.3 17 5.5 21 18 10 12 16.5 17 5.5 21 19 10 13 17.8 17 8.5 21 19 10 14 19 17 8.5 21 20 10 15 20.2 18.2 8.5 21 24 10 16 21.3 19.3 8.5 21 28 10 17 22.5 20.5 8.5 21 32 10 18 23.6 21.6 9.5 22 38 10 19 24.8 22.8 9.5 22 41 10 21 27 25 10.5 23 51 10 22 28.3 26.3 10.5 23 58 10 3400MZ is designed 5-9mm shorter than standard 3400M. Ideal for working in confined and tight areas. ISO/DIN/JIS Across Flat [ Z-type ] Across Flat JIS(Bolt) Across Flat Tolerance - Across Flat H h Socket Across Flat Standard Bolt Across Flat Standard 0DQXIDFWXULQJ WROHUDQFH LV SUHFLVHO\ FRQWUROOHG WR DFKLHYH D VHFXUH ILWWLQJ ISO/DIN [ Z-type ] 凹 across flat standard ISO/DIN 凸 across flat standard s S Tolerance - Across Flat 3/8” RS3300XZ/8 RS3300XZ/12 Socket Set on magnetic Rail Steckschlüsselsatz auf Magnetschiene Jeu de douilles sur rail à aimant 3300XZ 6-point Sockets, Semi-Deep 6-kant Steckschlüssel, mittel-lang Douilles, semi-profondes 6-pans 3300XZ (mm) D1 (mm) D2 (mm) H1 (mm) H2 (mm) L (mm) (g) (pcs.) 7 10.3 17 8 23 35 23 10 8 11.5 17 9 23 35 24 10 10 14 17 11 23 35 26 10 11 15.3 17 12 23 35 28 10 12 16.5 17 13 23 35 29 10 13 17.8 17 14 23 35 32 10 14 19 17 16 23 35 34 10 15 20.2 18.2 16 23 35 40 10 16 21.3 19.3 16.5 23 35 45 10 17 22.5 20.5 16.5 23 35 50 10 18 23.6 21.6 16.5 23 35 56 10 19 24.8 22.8 18 23 35 60 10 RS3300XZ/8 8 Pieces Set/Rail 200mm (g) 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19 420 RS3300XZ/12 12 Pieces Set/Rail 300mm (g) 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 630 D2 L H2 H1 D1 Female Square The inventive Ball Holding system of the Z-series allows a secure connection between Socket and Handle. Die Werkzeuge der Z-Serie verfügen über spezielle Kugelfangrillen, die eine noch sicherere Verbindung zwischen Betätigungswerkzeug und Steckschlüssel gewährleisten. La série Z dispose d’une rainure de fixation pour bille spéciale, qui améliore nettement la fixation entre douille et cliquet. Male Square BALL HOLDING GROOVE D1 D2 L H Z-series Z-serie Series-Z 030 Z-SERIES HAND TITANIUM ACCESSORIES SCREWDRIVERS IMPACT SLEEVE-DRIVE PROTECTOR INDUSTRIAL AUTOMOTIVE MOTORCYCLE CONSTRUCTION SPARE PART